You have your Preschool assignment to work on Wednesday at PAL and Friday in the access centre. Don't forget about the 2 questions in the Learning Journal that is to be complete with this assignment.
Finish reading the chapter 12 from where we left off. Page 395 Guiding Learning. Some really good points there that you have to read over and take notes for your test on Thursday. Evaluating toys and Age-Appropriate toys should not be new to you-we have covered these issues before. Speech Difficulties on page 400 read and take notes.
The review questions on page 404 will be a good study guide for you test.
A reminder that the Learning Centres day is next Tuesday the 28th with the K-1 classes. Make sure you are prepared 110%. The planning that you do should be very intense. The more prepared you are the session will run smoothly. I am looking forward to the 28th-as you take on this leadership mentor, teacher role. You are going to do very well-I'll be bringing my camera and maybe even video camera to share at a Way-To -Go.